09 Jun Episode 24: Freedom from Jahannam
Welcome to the Freedom series, Ramadan Podcasts (1439/2018) with Muallimah Farzanah Adam.
Over this series of podcasts we will be discussing being free of feelings of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify, with prescriptive practices from the Qur’an and Sunnah. Often these fears and binds cause melancholy leaving gaping holes in self-service, service to humanity and most importantly, Allah.
These podcasts serve as a supplement for the women in our study circles, recent converts, those across our borders, and sisters who only join us via Skype. It’s an insta-shot of inspiration at a quiet moment in your day and keeps us connected.
Nasheed credits: Still I rise by Ilyas Mao and Ama Zilna by Benammi
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